Bawoorrooga Justice Diversion Project

FISH’s Community Work Project provides participants with a safe, healthy and fulfilling environment in which to satisfy the obligations of Court-imposed community work orders. FISH has partnered with the Department of Justice WA to establish the Bawoorrooga Community Project as an approved Community Work Project host. FISH-Bawoorrooga is also an approved host location for certain […]

Justice Rehabilitation / Cultural Healing and Awareness Program

FISH ran two 10-week pilot Cultural Healing and Awareness Programs at Casuarina Prison for Aboriginal inmates commencing in Sep 2018 and Dec 2019. The program was based upon principles established by Aboriginal Elder Koodah Cornwall and Mark Anderson who were involved in developing and running the successful Fairbridge Bindjareb Program and adapted it for the […]

Fire & Land Management

FISH has been working with Aboriginal elders since 2018 to promote the use of traditional mosaic cool burns to care for Country in the Kimberley and Southwest WA. FISH encourages local and state Governments and volunteer fire & emergency services to really listen and learn from Aboriginal environmental knowledge: this wisdom in how to care […]


FISH has been working with the Bawoorroga Community since 2018 to conserve the native bilbies that are prevalent on country. FISH works from the premise that life is one indivisible whole and if the land gets sick, we get sick. FISH is therefore focussed on working with communities to support them in caring for the […]

Aboriginal Scholarship Initiative “Mooditj Kaatajan”, or “Deadly Learning”

In 2018, FISH established its Aboriginal Scholarship Initiative (called “Mooditj Kaatajan”, or “Deadly Learning”) to support Aboriginal young people to complete schooling to Year 12 and progress onto further training, university or employment. The young people come from families who continue to suffer from intergenerational trauma and poverty: the aim of the scholarship is to […]

Traditional Foods & Bush Skills

FISH has been working with the remote Aboriginal community of Bawoorroga in the Kimberley Region of WA to grow traditional foods and teach bush skills since 2018. The Bawoorrooga Community is a place of cultural leadership – a well-known meeting place for traditional healing, Indigenous art, and knowledge of Country and homeland. In 2018, the […]

Rubbish Mob

FISH is auspicing the development of the feature film script RUBBISH MOB. FISH Director and Co-founder Victor Hunter has been involved as part of the writing team in the development of the film produced by Melanie Hogan and others. The aim will be to shoot the film at Bawoorrooga Community and in the Fitzroy Valley […]

Get In Touch

Should you wish to find out more or make a donation, please contact FISH using the form to the left.