FISH has been working with the Bawoorroga Community since 2018 to conserve the native bilbies that are prevalent on country. ...
These projects provide equal opportunities for education, training, employment and life choices. They are run either directly by FISH or in partnership with others. As we do this, First Nations people are given opportunities in our society to be valued as positive, healing, and leading contributors to community in connecting people to caring for each other and caring for country.
If we are to break the cycle of generational trauma, poverty, and engagement in the justice system, First Nations people need to play a leading role in the development of projects and initiatives. This is what we do! The FISH team actively work with a broad cross section of our community to achieve positive outcomes.
We are currently focused on six pillars for project development. These pillars are creative, cultural, education & employment, health, housing and justice. The six of them are integrated as we work holistically with individuals, family and community.
FISH has been working with the Bawoorroga Community since 2018 to conserve the native bilbies that are prevalent on country.
In 2018, FISH established its Aboriginal Scholarship Initiative (called “Mooditj Kaatajan”, or “Deadly Learning”) to support Aboriginal young people to
FISH has been working with the remote Aboriginal community of Bawoorroga in the Kimberley Region of WA to grow traditional
FISH is auspicing the development of the feature film script RUBBISH MOB. FISH Director and Co-founder Victor Hunter has been
FISH is working with the Department of Justice in Western Australia to assist incarcerated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Co-design is always central to FISH’s work with communities. For lasting change, projects need to be by Aboriginal people, for
FISH was invited by the Junjuwa Community near Fitzroy Crossing to provide input into the design of sustainable housing and
Every component of the FISH-Bawoorrooga Community Development Initiative is an education and training opportunity. In 2018, FISH and Bawoorrooga community
FISH runs an ongoing Art Therapy Program in prisons, using artwork to connect participants back to country and develop their
FISH has been working with the Bawoorroga Community since 2018 to conserve the native bilbies that are prevalent on country. ...
In 2018, FISH established its Aboriginal Scholarship Initiative (called “Mooditj Kaatajan”, or “Deadly Learning”) to support Aboriginal young people to ...
FISH has been working with the remote Aboriginal community of Bawoorroga in the Kimberley Region of WA to grow traditional ...
FISH is auspicing the development of the feature film script RUBBISH MOB. FISH Director and Co-founder Victor Hunter has been ...
FISH is working with the Department of Justice in Western Australia to assist incarcerated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people ...
Co-design is always central to FISH’s work with communities. For lasting change, projects need to be by Aboriginal people, for ...
FISH was invited by the Junjuwa Community near Fitzroy Crossing to provide input into the design of sustainable housing and ...
Every component of the FISH-Bawoorrooga Community Development Initiative is an education and training opportunity. In 2018, FISH and Bawoorrooga community ...
FISH runs an ongoing Art Therapy Program in prisons, using artwork to connect participants back to country and develop their ...