Professional Development and Cultural Competency – Organisations

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Australia has so much to celebrate and to be proud of, with our history stretching back over 65,000 years. While we have much to celebrate, we often struggle to understand why there is still such a gap in our society between First Nations and non-Indigenous people. All Australians believe in a fair go for all. However,  as a nation, we still have not accomplished this, as was evident in the 2021 Closing the Gap Report by the Prime Minister of Australia, with only two of the seven targets looking like they will be achieved. This is so, even before considering that our prisons continue to overflow with Aboriginal people and that we have more Aboriginal children in care today than during the stolen generations.

FISH runs Professional Development and Cultural Competency Training for educators, government agencies, and businesses to bring a deep understanding of our culture, history and the reasons we are where we are today. We focus on connecting people’s head knowledge with their heart and spirit, shifting individual’s personal paradigm to a point of understanding and a commitment to bring positive change. FISH also offers cultural consultation and organisational reviews. 

Through this process, participants’ personal paradigms move to a point of understanding and a commitment to bring about positive change to create an environment of celebration, acknowledgement, acceptance, understanding and respect for Aboriginal people.

“The connection for our Executive Team of head and heart embedded the learning by using different methodologies that deepened our knowledge about culture and historical events.  We were able to connect with stories of the generational impact for Aboriginal people of past and current practices. The learning provides us a firm foundation for our ongoing work with our staff, volunteers and those who use our services.” Tricia Murray, Chief Executive Officer, Wanslea

“Absolutely invaluable PD for our team and a highlight for our personal and organisational development. It was one of the most memorable training sessions we have done that shifted the paradigm of our team and continues to have an ongoing impact.” Steve Anderson Managing Director CMS Australasia.

Program Structure 

Session 1:
Pre-European arrival, Terra Nullius, until 1967. Understanding of Aboriginal culture, connection to country, legal and policy ramifications, stolen generation and ongoing impact, and constitutional change in 1967.  We discuss the structure and cultural richness of Aboriginal society before European settlement and put that into today’s context.  Personal stories of stolen generations, connecting past policy to real life.

Session 2:
Post-1967 until 2021 Prime Minister’s Closing the Gap Report. Understanding the changes in the landscape from the 1967 referendum and intergenerational trauma. Understanding our past to understand where we are today to know how to better move forward together. Discuss the generational impact laws and policies have had on Aboriginal people through generational stories to connect our head knowledge with our heart and spirit.

Session 3:
On-country site visit, presented by local traditional owners. The training is based on exploring spiritual connection to land, cultural responsibilities, protocols, dreamtime stories, local history.

Session 4:
Reflection – Where to from here?  
How to bring change to self, family, community, and workplace.

Booking information

For any inquiries and bookings please use the Contact tab of this website to contact our Education Manager, Lisa Fieldhouse. Pricing varies by location as we follow Indigenous protocols by partnering with local First Nations businesses for the on-country visit. 


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